Parler à ceux que l’on n’écoute jamais !
Parler à ceux que l’on n’écoute jamais !
It was at the heart of a healthcare unit for homeless that photographer Cyril Zannettacci attends in 2021, to the surge of the COVID-19 epidemic. Located in Nanterre, at the gates of Paris, the accommodation and assistance center for homeless people (Chapsa), a unique place in France, welcomes and accompanies homeless in a care path. With its abandoned hospital tunes, the center has been hosting homeless since the end of the ninth century. Not having the same resources or the same reputation as classical medicine, social medicine suffers from a considerable lack of means, budgets and staff. Rationing, even disappearance of certain hygiene products, obsolete premises, WC condemned for months, night team reduced to a nurse and a caregiver for forty-eight patients …
At the head of the medical service, Dr. Valérie Thomas is on the verge of making her blouse: today this hybrid establishment is on the verge of rupture. It deplores not only “state contempt towards those who treat the poorest”, but also injustice linked to the degradation of services reaching its paroxysm from the epidemic. She “sees well, like her teams, the gap that separates social medicine from classical medicine in our health system (…) It is not easy to find subsidies for our audience, which has no political weight. It is always easier to hold a clinic in Neuilly than a center for homeless in Nanterre “.
Parler à ceux que l’on n’écoute jamais !
Cyril Zannettacci

Cyril Zannettacci, a French photographer born in 1973, he lives and works mainly in Paris. Member of the agency Vu ’. Trained at the School of the French Photography Society, Cyril Zannettacci begins as a assistant: he acquired a solid experience in studio techniques and collaborates with world renowned photographers. In 2011, he realized a dream of a young photographer and made his first order for the newspaper Liberation, an editorial staff for which he has regularly produced since 2015, many portraits and reports on social subjects.Today, Cyril Zannettacci also makes photographic reports by collaborating with NGOs and many French magazines and newspapers and internationally such as New York Times, Washington Post, Vanity Fair, CNN, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, Stern …
Considering long-term subjects, he invests this long time to give visibility and question the themes linked to the contemporary world and its changes from a new angle.
Romain Jeanticou

Romain Jeanticou is a reporter reporter in Paris. After having worked around the new journalistic scriptures, co -binded the documentary Le mystery of Grimouville and co -founded the independent media on the four hours, he joined the big reporters and Télérama ideas in 2017, where he mainly covers social struggles. During the COVVI-19 crisis, he co-brought the independent “confined podcast?” To give voice to those in difficulty or in danger during confinement.