This book collecting the testimony of photographers and homes of directors: Israel Ariño, Fred Boucher, François Cheval, Rémi Coignet, Patrick Delat, Chantal Delmont, Pascal Dolémieux, Fany Dupêchez, Gilles Favier, Philippe Guionie, Elisabeth Hebert, Mat Jacob, Ida Jakobs, Olivia Marsaud, Brigitte Patient, Fabienne Pavia, Rita Scaglia, Jérôme Mother.
What is a photographic residence?
What place this mode of creation he now occupies in France?
Documenting the territory, which photograph to what issues? What exp.riences for photographers?
This national conference will answer these questions. Met for the first time, new artistic directors but also publishers, photographers, testify and cross their respective exp.riences such an inventory of photographic residence in France and the portrait watermark of the territories and their inhabitants.
It is in the auditorium of the Museum of Abattoirs in Toulouse that is launched on October 10, the Residence 1 + 2. Organised by Philippe Guionie, this new photographic residency program proposes to multiply the viewpoints of different photographers and cities ‘Europe.
This study day under the aegis of the residential characteristics in France, appealed to many types of stakeholders: Art center managers and museums, photographers (Mat Jacob (Fuzzy Trend), Ida Jakobs and Israel Ariño ( VU), but also publishers. Expressing their experiences, the twenty-five guests have testified, each turn of the diversity of actions across the territory.
Philippe Guionie

A historian by training, Philippe Guionie claims a documentary photography around the themes of memory and identity constructions. His photographic premise: put faces on human memories that do not.
Author of several books – “Former African fighters,” “A Little Piece of Heaven” (The Imaginayres / diaphanous, 2006), “Africa America” (diaphanous, 2006) & “Swimming in the black sea” (Watermark Publishing, 2014) – personal topics are presented in galleries and festivals in France and abroad. Winner of several photographic awards including the Roger Price Pic 2008 for the series “the rifleman and the three rivers”, he is responsible semiotics courses of the image of photography and multimedia training school (ETAP) to Toulouse and manages numerous workshops in France (Rencontres d’Arles) and abroad. Myop member of the agency since 2009, Philippe Guionie is represented by the Polka gallery in Paris. In 2015, he curated the exhibition “Koudjina in legacies” to Encounters African Photography in Bamako and director of residence 1 + 2 in Toulouse linked to two other European cities (