* Possible Choice of four photographs, each taken 9 copies.
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Anton Renborg

Anton Renborg is a young Swedish photographer living in France for a year. Next and return to the island every summer for five years, the photographer has his camera back into the ying and yang of Corsica which can not be reduced to the parties Fisheries tourists neon shorts, nor the splendor of landscapes if they reduce the human to microscopic size. Playing both the retail and pan effect look, as if the eye was constant challenge to find the right equation, Anton Renborg measured how well it was not necessary to accuse the contrasts that they appear. His images testify, casually, of civilization shock.
Natacha Wolinski
Auteur, Ecrivain, Journaliste

Natacha Wolinski is an art critic who regularly collaborates with publications such as Connaissance des Arts, Le Quotidien de l’art, The Good Life, Air France magazine, and Marie-Claire Magazine. From 2003 to 2009, she hosted a photography-themed program titled “Mat ou brillant” on France Culture. In 2011, she published her first novel titled “En ton absence” (Grasset editions).
She frequently writes texts for Filigranes, including DaysinVichy, Echanges de vues, Walking, Echelle 1, Notices de la Corse, and Mister G.
An inventory of arctic glaciers
Vincent Mercier
Natacha Wolinski
Letizia Le Fur
Natacha Wolinski
Gilles Coulon
Natacha Wolinski
Anton Renborg
Natacha Wolinski
Yusuf Sevinçli
Natacha Wolinski
Echelle 1
Cédric Delsaux
Natacha Wolinski
Notices de la Corse
Anton Renborg
Natacha Wolinski
Mister G.
Gilbert Garcin
Natacha Wolinski