Echelle 1 is a photograph of "landscape with portrait." However, these portraits have a feature that takes a device: a base. Each person is asked to get on the base, it becomes a character. His own character. Add to it, then, to interpret it in his own way. It can exaggerate, freeze or even disappear: the top of the base of the pedestal––there is neither good nor bad posture.
To pose on a white base
The artist was commissioned by the City, host of the Portrait photographic event (s). His series Scale 1 is the third part of the staff work long-term. He started at Fort Mahon, on the Picardy coast, and then in the gardens of Versailles for a special edition of Télérama. Here, for the official framework. But what drives this photographer who usually works for advertising? "We must first place there. This photo gaining strength if there is a relationship between the landscape and the person. It’s like theater, there is a setting and the person becomes a character, a figurine. "
To pose on a white base
The artist was commissioned by the City, host of the Portrait photographic event (s). His series Scale 1 is the third part of the staff work long-term. He started at Fort Mahon, on the Picardy coast, and then in the gardens of Versailles for a special edition of Télérama. Here, for the official framework. But what drives this photographer who usually works for advertising? "We must first place there. This photo gaining strength if there is a relationship between the landscape and the person. It’s like theater, there is a setting and the person becomes a character, a figurine. "
Cédric Delsaux did not think making a trade of his passion for photography. Born in 1974, graduated in film and literature, it becomes Seller then joined a large advertising agency as a copywriter. He uses photography as an autodidact. His universe, fueled film and literature, refined over time, offering a reflection on the relationship to fiction, the dialectic between the mundane and the extraordinary. Since 2002, he devoted himself entirely to photography. Her first series, The North, is rewarded by the Exchange Kodak talent in 2004.
Natacha Wolinski
Auteur, Ecrivain, Journaliste

Natacha Wolinski is an art critic who regularly collaborates with publications such as Connaissance des Arts, Le Quotidien de l’art, The Good Life, Air France magazine, and Marie-Claire Magazine. From 2003 to 2009, she hosted a photography-themed program titled “Mat ou brillant” on France Culture. In 2011, she published her first novel titled “En ton absence” (Grasset editions).
She frequently writes texts for Filigranes, including DaysinVichy, Echanges de vues, Walking, Echelle 1, Notices de la Corse, and Mister G.
An inventory of arctic glaciers
Vincent Mercier
Natacha Wolinski
Letizia Le Fur
Natacha Wolinski
Gilles Coulon
Natacha Wolinski
Anton Renborg
Natacha Wolinski
Yusuf Sevinçli
Natacha Wolinski
Echelle 1
Cédric Delsaux
Natacha Wolinski
Notices de la Corse
Anton Renborg
Natacha Wolinski
Mister G.
Gilbert Garcin
Natacha Wolinski