Histoire(s) parallèle(s)

Création confrontation France/Pays-Bas

Histoire(s) parallèle(s)

Création confrontation France/Pays-Bas

Pascal Aimar – Valérie Belin – Nico Bick – Mélanie Bonajo – Koos Breukel – Roy Cymbalista – Elspeth Diedenx – Charlotte Dumas – Anne-Valérie Gasc – Delphine Kreuter – Marion Poussier – Denis Proteor – Céline Van Balen – Mark van den Brink.

The Netherlands Institute wishes to compare two photographs: the French and Dutch, in their most contemporary – of the artists are shown, some are still relatively little known to the public, some works never before seen. And through these photographs, the exhibition also has a feature to compare deux regards. The Dutch Institute has invited a French, Gabriel Bauret to offer a selection of Dutch works, and a Dutchman, Erik Kessels, to undertake similar work in France. Each of them operated without knowing what the other was to keep the two approaches in total independence. So this exhibition, at the same time it reports the current trends of creation in both countries reveals two visions and two different stories: Erik Kessels features a young creation, which goes against the weight of photographic traditions while Gabriel Bauret show its sensitivity to the relationship of photography with a pictorial heritage. This project – the choice of two crossing their eyes – reveals a new revolution of a visual art and leads to the construction of a new exhibition including the Dutch: Céline van Balen, Nico Bick, Melanie Bonajo, Mark van den Brink, Koos Breukel. Elspeth Diedenx, Charlotte Dumas and french side: Valérie Belin, Pascal Aimar, Anne-Valérie Gasc, Denis Proteor, Delphine Kreuter, Marion and Roy Poussier Cymbalista. The exhibition of original returns, in the space of the Dutch institute the principle of this double gaze.

Institut Néerlandais
Hors Collection
170 x 230
Photos color and black and white
72 pages
ISBN : 978-2-914381-98-0