The three photographers were in residence in spring 2020 in Toulouse and are accompanied by their godmother, the oceanologist Catherine Jeandel.
Émeric Lhuisset – Environmental Climate Sciences – Human Sciences
After having developed a long work on the water wars in Iraq and in relation to his geopolitical approach, Emeric Lhuisset became interested in political ecology and the notion of the anthropocene.
Coline Jourdan – Biological and Plant Sciences
During her residency, she questions the subversive relationship between Man and his environment. The photograph’s revealing mechanisms, resulting from chemical reactions, are particularly toxic to the environment. However, among these processes, anthotypia stands out for the absence of chemicals in its process.
Lucía Peluffo – Medical Sciences – Information Sciences & Brain Sciences
If in medical imagery one tries to find the origin of the pain that one seeks to diagnose, Lucìa, she seeks to interrogate images which explore the causes, the psychic injuries, the anomalies in order to be able to initiate a possible healing.
Each year, the Residence 1 + 2 Toulouse “Photography & Sciences”, directed by Philippe Guionie, brings together three photographers. During the two months of residence, in close links with an exceptional scientific heritage present in Toulouse and in the Occitanie region.
For this fifth edition, the works of the three resident artists: Matthieu Gafsou, Matilda Holloway and Manon Lanjouère.
Exhibition in Toulouse from October 05 to November 17, 2020
Emeric Lhuisset
Artiste, Photographe

Emeric Lhuisset grew up in the Parisian suburbs. Graduated in art (Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris) and geopolitics (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), his work is presented in numerous exhibitions around the world (Tate Modern in London, Museum Folkwang in Essen, Institut du Monde Arab in Paris, Frac Alsace, Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, Rencontres d’Arles, Sursock Museum in Beirut, CRAC Languedoc-Roussillon, Louvre Lens Museum, …). In parallel with his artistic practice, he teaches at the IEP of Paris (Sciences Po) on the theme of contemporary art & geopolitics.
Coline Jourdan

Coline Jourdan is a visual photographer, she was born in 1993 in Lyon. In 2012, she entered the National School of Art and Design in Dijon where she obtained in 2015, the National Diploma of Plastic Arts with the congratulations of the jury, then the National Superior Diploma of Plastic Expression with mention in 2017.
Lucía Peluffo

Lucía Peluffo studied Industrial Design at the University of Buenos Aires. His six years of study influence his interest in image. She is interested in photography, the nature of image and questioning the processes of production and reproduction.
Fabien Ribery
Auteur, Journaliste

Born in Calais in 1972, Fabien Ribery is author and creator of the site Associated with modern letters, he teaches at the University of Western Brittany. A literary critic at Artpress, he participates in many other magazines (L’In fi ni, Halogenide, Revue de la MEP, Edwarda, 29200 …) and regularly works with publishing houses, both photography and literature. Accompanying the artists who touch him in the long term, his work develops as a work in progress through contemporary sensibility.
Almudena Romero, Téo Becher, Marion Ellena
Michel Poivert, Fabien Ribery
Rencontre Carole Bellaïche
Carole Bellaïche
Fabien Ribery
1+2 Rhizome
Grégoire Eloy , Myriem Karim, Laure Winants
Fabien Ribery
1+2 Artefacts
Emeric Lhuisset, Coline Jourdan, Lucía Peluffo
Fabien Ribery
De la limite à la marge
Marc Loyon
Fabien Ribery
1+2 Elégies
Matthieu Gafsou, Manon Lanjouère, Matilda Holloway
Fabien Ribery
Ivresse de l’œil
Jacques Borgetto
Fabien Ribery