The urban project is always violent. But even within the modern city, small face organized resistance to the standardization of architectures, the privatization of space and pardons brutal. These are body, gestures, objects, lights, on a street corner, on a balcony or a face. Whatever the sociological reasons, economic, political or ecological areas of poetry anarchic sign the membership of these spaces to the same cultural area, to the Mediterranean world.
In Beirut or Marseilles, Algiers, Tripoli or Valencia, the stubbornness of the small and isolated to form pockets of softness profoundly alters the urban landscape. Is it linked to the large amount of space available, to the mild climate, let the government or the Latin temperament? Mediterranean cities, the more disjointed and less unified, in any case seem to motivate them more than anywhere else.
In Beirut or Marseilles, Algiers, Tripoli or Valencia, the stubbornness of the small and isolated to form pockets of softness profoundly alters the urban landscape. Is it linked to the large amount of space available, to the mild climate, let the government or the Latin temperament? Mediterranean cities, the more disjointed and less unified, in any case seem to motivate them more than anywhere else.
Geoffroy Mathieu

Born in Boulogne Billancourt. Lives and works in Marseille. A graduate of the Ecole Nationale de la Photographie d’Arles in 1999. Divides his time between an artistic work that develops through books and exhibitions and a freelance photographer working: as portraitist to the national press (Le Monde, L’Express, L’Usine Nouvelle …), performing reporting agencies for business communication (The Agency, Word, Publicorp, Textuel …), leading observatories photographic landscape for Regional Natural Park (Ardèche, Narbonne), carrying out orders from publishers (more) …
Member of the Association The Panoramas which includes landscape photographers and a rural development specialist to undertake work such as observatories Landscape Photography and more generally a reflection on the landscape.
Member of the Association The Panoramas which includes landscape photographers and a rural development specialist to undertake work such as observatories Landscape Photography and more generally a reflection on the landscape.