Gilbert Garcin is a “jeune premier” who this year will be celebrating his eightieth birthday and fifteen years of a dazzling career. We are happy to share this pleasure with his public and his many fans by putting on a retrospective.It may seem absurd, or even out of place, to speak of Monsieur Garcin as a “jeune premier”, but don’t worry, he won’t mind –quite the contrary. He usually responds with a quiet chuckle and the falsely modest delight of the highly
respected star that he now is. In order to shed a little light on his success,
I shall briefly recall how it all started.
Christine Ollier
respected star that he now is. In order to shed a little light on his success,
I shall briefly recall how it all started.
Christine Ollier
This title is exhausted and we have very few copies of this book
which explains the price of 140 €
which explains the price of 140 €
Hors Collection
142 x 210
Relié couverture cartonnée
80 duo tone photos
110 pages
ISBN : 978-2-35046-177-9
Press review
- 21/08/2013 Gilbert Garcin (Polka N° 23)
- 11/07/2013 Gilbert Barcin par Edouard Coulot (La Provence)
- 01/07/2013 Rencontres d'Arles - Gilbert Garcin par Aline Cochard (Le Point)
- 10/09/2012 Portefolio Gilbert Garcin (Réponses photos)
- 24/05/2012 La Lettre de la photographie ( )
- 29/01/2011 Mister G. par Vincent Josse (France Inter )
- 17/03/2010 Mister G. (
- 01/01/2010 Mister G. (Maisons et décors)
- 01/12/2009 Mister G. (Télérama)
Gilbert Garcin
Gilbert Garcin native of Provence, began to make photographs at retirement. After an internship in Arles he discovered photomontage, where he features in different situations, in landscapes unreal. His singular style: its small theatrical feature situations have in common derision, the absurdity of the situation and a humanoid humor that sometimes recalls the theater of the absurd, by Eugène Ionesco.
Coffret G.G.
Gilbert Garcin
Yves Gerbal, Marie Darrieussecq, Vincent Josse
Faire de son mieux
Gilbert Garcin
Yves Gerbal, Marie Darrieussecq
Lorsque le vent viendra
Gilbert Garcin
Vincent Josse
Mister G.
Gilbert Garcin
Natacha Wolinski
Mister G
Gilbert Garcin
Yves Gerbal, Christine Ollier
Tout peut arriver
Gilbert Garcin
Magali Jauffret
El testimoni
Gilbert Garcin
Armelle Canitrot
Le témoin
Gilbert Garcin, Armelle Canitrot
Gilbert Garcin
Anne-Marie Garat
La vie est un théâtre
Gilbert Garcin, Yves Gerbal
Christine Ollier
Directrice artistique, Galeriste, Historienne de l'art

Christine Ollier is a historian of art and specialist in communication strategy and cultural development. She is the Commissioner of Exhibitions. She is Chevallier Arts and Letters and Chevalier of the Order of Merit. Co-founder and director of the Gallery Girls of Calvary, from 1996 to 2016, she continued since a career solo, devoting himself to the design of cultural projects and exhibitions, to the publication of critical texts and plays a role of artistic councilor with artists and collectors. Since 2017, she has designed and strives to set up the field of impossible, important artistic and cultural platform in rural areas, in the pole.